Friday, March 27, 2009
A Self Fulfilling Prophecy
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
A Christmas Carol in March
Friday, March 20, 2009
Thoughts about freedom in martial arts study
Thursday, March 19, 2009
A really good question.
Friday, March 13, 2009
A nice voicemail.
posting about my thoughts...
I was thinking today about the word truth. Ehster Hicks (Teachings of Abraham) has said that you can always tell that which is true based on how speaking or thinking it makes you feel. If you are giving your attention to something that is "true" then it will make you feel good!
Based on the above definition someone might ask: “What if my reality is in conflict with the truth?”
This is the basic problem of the human condition because we give way too much attention to “reality” as if reality had some independent life of it's own. But what if reality is always in a constant state of flux? What if reality is being created constantly by our thoughts, beliefs and actions. If reality is constantly the result or our behaviors rather than independent of them then it makes no sense to make too big of a deal out of reality. - This means reality is a result, not a permanent condition.
In other words; reality is not a good enough excuse to feel bad. Just because something is true you don't have to make it into such a big deal because you know things are constantly changing. Begin to change the way you think and behave and you will notice your reality will change too.
What if there is a hidden truth about your potential and nature? What if this truth is so big and so bold that it is totally unlimited by space or time? If this is so, when you tell yourself something that matches the truth of your real nature wouldn't it be natural to feel good? When you tell yourself something that doesn't match your true potential, wouldn't it be natural to feel bad?
One of my favorite lyrics comes from a band named “Reliant K”. The lyric goes something like this...
“Please don't see me the way I am, only see me the way I am.”
I like to translate this lyric as follows: “Please don't look at the “reality” of me, instead please look at my true “potential”. (the truth of me)
So the basic advice; stop paying attention to “reality” and start paying attention to “truth”.