Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Thoughts on Black Belt Today

When I started Martial Arts in the 70's Black Belt was rare. If a Black Belt even walked into the dojo (which didn't happen all that often), the entire room would be called to attention, everyone would bow deeply out of courtesy to this rare treat!

Unfortunately today, the standard for Black Belt has gotten so watered down that Black Belt is considered the norm! My question is, are these ten year olds really the same thing as the Black Belts of old? I think everyone with even a little background in the Martial Arts knows they probably aren't.

It's easy to explain how this happened. Sometime in the 1980's commercialized schools started realizing the main customer based was the six to ten year old age bracket. Mostly this was due to a huge series of hit movies that included the "Karate Kid" and "Teenage Mutant Turtles". School owners everywhere realized the key to a successful business operation was to keep these students attending and the parents paying for as long as possible. They also realized that kids loved getting recognition and awards, so basically what happened was that schools instituted a system where if a child showed up a certain number of times they would receive a new belt. Rank testing was essentially replaced with "promotion night".

To make matters worse, since kids were pushed through and promoted to ranks they probably shouldn't have received in the first place many schools instituted what was called "black belt camp". "Black Belt Camp" was instituted to help fix the log jam of kids who simply were not ready for Black Belt but were nearing the end of the program where payments would stop and Black Belt was promised.(In black belt camp, parents were required to drive there kids to endless camp classes at the end of a program so that the child could be "coached" into getting through the already watered down Black Belt requirements.)

Here's what I believe. I do believe that kids do need rewards and recognition. I believe that they do need encouragement. I do need they do need to feel a real sense of progress. But I also believe that all of that can and SHOULD be done OUTSIDE the rank system.

Changing the ranks system to retain students is like a public school handing out College degrees in order to keep the kids interested! It's just not the way education should be handled, and even though it does work, I think it's not in the best interest of the child long term.

We do try and offer awards, progress reports, encouragement, opportunities for recognition to our kids. We just don't confuse any of those wonderful things with "Black Belt".

Oh, and by the way; I think our kids are better for it - and it shows.

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